• The Feel Great System

    Two products + one practice = measurable results

Our Approach

Feel Great is designed to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. The Feel Great System approach is simple.

The Feel Great System is an evidence-based system with two scientifically designed food-based products, Unimate and Balance, that work synergistically to control hunger and cravings, improve energy and mood, and support healthy blood sugar and insulin levels.

The Products


Get up and go with Unimate. This highly concentrated yerba mate drink contains a unique blend of plant compounds known to:

  • Improve mood
  • Boost energy
  • Heighten mental clarity
  • Suppress appetite

Plus, it's sugar free!

Learn more

feel great system balance


Balance is the smart solution to balanced nutrition. This patented blend of fibers, nutrients, and plant compounds are specifically designed to:

  • Slow carbohydrate absorption so you stay full longer
  • Promote proper digestion and cholesterol absorption
  • Provide 9 essential vitamins and minerals

Learn more

The Practice

Time-based eating, often referred to as intermittent fasting, has been associated with numerous health benefits:

  • Healthy blood pressure
  • Improved heart health
  • Improved body composition

Sounds great, right? Well, it's easier said than done. The trouble with intermittent fasting is that it is HARD. Few people are able to stick with the practice long enough to achieve real results.

That is where Feel Great comes in. Unimate and Balance work together to help you extend the time between dinner and your first meal of the following day.

What Experts Say

Dr. Afa K. Palu
“As an advanced research scientist who has seen many weight-management programs over the last few decades, I know Feel Great will have an exponentially positive impact on many lives. Unimate and Balance help control hunger in a healthier way, while the practice of intermittent fasting has been shown to promote healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.”
Dr. Erin Glynn
“I drink Unimate in place of coffee as my morning source of caffeine. It gives me an energy boost, helps me focus, and helps support my mood. Combine these benefits with the cholesterol support and healthy glucose response to meals I get from Balance, and this pack is a powerhouse team that's simple to use and that made me feel better quickly.”
Dr. Coleen Andruss
“As an obesity specialist, I am always looking for ways to help my patients feel like they aren't “dieting” but that really works on fat loss. Feel Great is the answer. I can honestly say this is by far the most successful method I have found in my 30 years of practice.”

Real Results


Results are not typical. Individual results may vary.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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